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Inspiring QuotesHere you will find inspiring quotes and sayings to motivate you on days when you need a positive thought. These inspirational quotes are ones that have motivated and inspired many to be the best they can be. related - famous quotes. . . uplifting quotes. . . meaningful quotes We hope you find these quotes inspiring anad ones which you find words to consider, to reflect upon and think about. |
"If you'll not settle for anything less than your best, you will be amazed at what you can accomplish in your lives." Vince Lombardi "Great minds have purposes; little minds have wishes. Little minds are subdued by misfortunes; great minds rise above them." Washington Irving "Ain't no man can avoid being born average, but there ain't no man got to be common." Satchel Paige "Influence others positively by being a teacher, coach, counselor, or mentor." Stephen Post, PhD and Jill Neimark, Why Good Things Happen to Good People "Plan for gradual improvement, not spectacular leaps. . .A slow and steady stream of water will, in time, erode the hardest rock." David Campbell, Ph.D., If You Don't Know Where You're Going, You'll Probably End Up Somewhere Else "Believe deep down in your heart that you're destined to do great things." Joe Paterno "We should not look back unless it is to derive useful lessons from past errors, and for the purpose of profiting by dearly bought experience." George Washington "Earth is crammed with Heaven." Elizabeth Barrett Browning "Remember, the inspiration follows action and not vice versa." Aronson, Eric, Dash. "Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck." Dalai Lama "All things come round to him who will but wait." Henry Wadsworth Longfellow "You see, in life, lots of people know what to do, but few people actually do what they know. Knowing is not enough! You must take action." Anthony Robbins "I always like to look on the optimistic side of life, but I am realistic enough to know that life is a complex matter." Walt Disney "When we find a greater purpose for our lives, our dreams become more exciting to us, helping us grow as individuals as we help others." Cook, Sharon and Sholander Graciela, Dream It Do It: Inspiring Stories of Dreams Come True. "So, whether you're boldly defying convention or taking small, calculated risks ... have fun in all that you do and strive for. You're an amazing person with untapped potential." Hilton-Barbert, Miles, Life is a Rollercoaster, not a Rocking Chair "We all find ourselves in situations that at times seem hopeless. And, we all have the choice to do nothing or take action." Catherine Pulsifer |
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inspiring quotes"For our idea to endure, we must generate interest and curiosity." Heath, Chip Heath, Dan, Made to Stick "You were born with everything you needed to live your life in a most exceptional and worthwhile way." Helmstetter, Shad, What to Say When you Talk To Yourself "The world is full of winners who rose from nothing and losers who were given every opportunity." Neviaser, Donald, The Inner View, Life Enhancing Perspectives Kanevia Books, 2000, preface. "Notice when you are wishing you were somewhere else and bring yourself back to a state of appreciation for where you are." Dyer, Wayne. Wisdom of the Ages: 60 Days to Enlightenment. First Quill, 2002, p. 244. "Each day offers us a new opportunity to take steps in the right direction, steps that enlighten, enrich, or improve us and others." Powers, Margaret Fishback, The Footprints Book of Daily Inspirations "How often we miss our life by focusing on the past or yearning for the future." Schaef, Anne Wilson, Meditations for Women Who Do Too Much "I see the ant not just as the antithesis of a sluggard but also as one who never quits." Jenkins, Jerry B. Jenkins, Twelve Things I Want My Kids to Remember Forever "Everything comes if a man will only wait." Benjamin Disraeli "There is no failure except in no longer trying." Elbert Hubbard "A photograph is usually looked at - seldom looked into." Ansel Adams "You can either engage in the blame game, making frequent use of the statement, 'I couldn't because . . . ,' or you can take control of your life and shape it as you would like." Carter-Scott, Cherie, If Life is a Game, These are the Rules "When we are best to ourselves, we radiate a healthy mental attitude of optimism, joy, gladness, and hope." Marden, Orison Swett, The Get-to-the-Point Success Reader "Most of us say we know we are responsible for own satisfaction, but deep down we still wait for that someone to appear who will make us happy." Moeller, Kristen, Waiting for Jack "Adopt a positive mental attitude that will help you shape the course of your own destiny rather than drifting along at the mercy of adversity." Hill, Napoleon, A Year of Growing Rich "That which we constantly affirm has the tendency to take over in our thoughts and to produce changed attitudes." Peale, Norman Vincent, Have a Great Day "Life is a gift and the present is the time to cherish it." Richards, Shadonna, Think and Be Happy "How many times in our life have we been afraid to tackle a tough job or project, believing that we just didn't have enough talent or brains or guts to succeed, and then once we have forced ourselves to try - and successfully completed the challenge - we look back at what we have done, finally realizing that our greatest enemy, the one who urges us not even to try because we would certainly fail, was none other than ourselves." Mandino, Og, Secrets for Success and Happiness "Even during trying circumstances or tragedies, winners dig out the positives and summon the courage to take the next step and make things better." Kassorla, Dr. Irene, Go For It "If we pour our best positive energy into the world, the world will work better." Liebau, Paul, Thoughts on Relationships "I've also learned that both the good and bad times in my life are truly gifts, and that each has great value, if I manage them well." Johnson, Spencer, Peaks and Valleys "The truth is, we are all born with potential greatness and blessed with numerous opportunities to soar to dizzying new heights." Greive, Bradley Trevor, The Meaning of Life "You get to fill the blackboard of your life with whatever you want. If you have filled it in with baggage from the past, wipe it clean." Byrne, Rhonda, the Secret "Enjoy each moment as it happens. Your life is made up of one moment after another, either lived or lost." Francis, Cindy, Life Lessons for Women "Enthusiasm is the greatest asset in the world. Its potential value far surpasses money and power and influence." Mandino, Og, The Greatest Salesman in the World Part II Your life is whatever you focus on." Richards, Shadonna, A Gift of Hope "Life tells you nothing, it shows you everything." Bach, Richard, Messiah's Handbook. "In today's fiercely competitive world, standing still is the same as going backward. If you don't go forward, others will speed right past you." Gagan, James L., America's Best Kept Secret More Related Inspiring Quotes - Angels . . . Angels page 2. . . Animal . . . Appearance . . . Arrogance . . . More Arrogance . . . about Being Alone . . . Being Alone 2 . . . Book . . . Boredom. . . Breathing. . . Brevity. . . Butterflies. . . Cats . . . Cars . . . Chicken . . . Communication . . . Complaining . . . Confusion . . . Cooking . . . Courage. . . Dance . . . Death. . . Democracy. . . Dogs . . . Empathy. . . Excuses. . . Fair. . . Fake. . . Famous . . . Fear. . . Fire. . . Food. . . Freedom . . . Freedom of Speech . . . Friday . . . Future . . . God. . . Gossip. . . Grace. . . Greed . . . Grief . . . Hands. . . Health . . . Heroes . . . Ignorance . . . Innocence. . . Inspirational Quote of The Month. . . Justice . . . Lazy. . . Learning. . . Loyalty. . . Loss . . . Luck . . . Lying . . . Manners. . . Money . . . Movie . . . Pain. . . Parking. . . Patriotism. . . Patience. . . Past. . . Partnerships. . . Peace. . . Perfection. . . Pets . . . Poetry. . . Poverty. . . Prayer. . . Prejudice. . . Pride. . . Procrastination. . . Quotations. . . Reality . . . Respect . . . Rest In Peace . . . Sadness . . . Sanity . . . Secrets . . . Silence . . . Simplicity. . . Slavery . . . Sleep . . . Solitude . . . Sympathy . . . Talent . . . Thank You . . . Thankful. . . To Say Thank You . . . Time . . . about Time . . . Trust . . . Virtue . . . War . . . Weekend . . . Wishes We hope our collection of inspiring quotes has inspired you! |